The Media Outlet has been independently certified according to the JTI Programme and CWA 17493:2019.

Certified by
Certification Management & Development SAS (CMD Certification) – Colombia
Date of certification
Contact details
Calle 95 # 48-40
110111 BOGOTA

11. Responsibility for Content Provided by the General Public
11.1. User Generated Content/Eyewitness News
A Media Outlet shall ensure that the same principles of checking for accuracy, legal, and ethical compliance are applied to journalistic content sourced from the general public (UGC or Eyewitness News content) as with all content it publishes.
Does your Media Outlet publish any content that comes not from staff or freelancers but from external sources such as readers/viewers?
No11.3. Opinion Guidelines
In relation to opinion or comment pieces the guidelines should set clear requirements of the ethical principles expected which may include but is not limited to prohibition of comment due to defamation, privacy, hate speech and harassment. The Media Outlet should make clear its policy on the moderation of such content, whether it is pre or post publication, and its policy on take-down, notice and appeal provisions.
Do your Editorial Guidelines also include provision for ensuring comment material is free from defamation?
YesIf you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.
Do your Editorial Guidelines also include provision for ensuring comment material is free from invasions of privacy?
YesDo your Editorial Guidelines also include provision for ensuring comment material is free from hate speech?
YesIf you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.
Si un comentario atenta contra otra persona o grupo de personas, los editores del medio lo eliminarán y no lo publicarán.