Media Outlet La Contratopedia Caribe Date of first publication 18/07/2024 Date of Latest Change 02/07/2024
12. Responsibility for Sources
A Media Outlet shall ensure that the sources used for its journalism are dealt with responsibly and their anonymity protected when justified.
12.1. Anonymity
The procedures for granting anonymity to sources shall be covered by the Editorial Guidelines. The reason for anonymity should be clarified for the public.
Are there guidelines on the procedures to be followed for granting anonymity to sources?
YesAre the reasons for granting anonymity made clear to the public?
YesIf you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.
Una vez se cuenta una información con fuente bajo anonimato se detalla la razón por la cual la misma ha solicitado que su identidad no se revele. Por ejemplo, en las historias sobre administración pública, en las que se revelan movidas al interior de los gobiernos, las fuentes suelen solicitar el anonimato para evitar ser despedidos. También, en algunos casos, esa petición de anonimato es por razones de seguridad.
12.2. Privacy Rights
Editorial guidelines should protect the privacy rights of individuals and their safety.
Are there guidelines to ensure that the privacy rights and safety of individuals are protected in your journalistic activity?
Yes12.3. Independence and Sources
There should be guidelines on establishing relations with sources which protect the independence of the journalism.
Are there guidelines to ensure the independence of journalism relative to the sources for content?
Yes12.4. Diversity of Sources
Editorial guidelines should ensure that a diversity of sources are consulted in producing journalistic content with adequate time for response.
Do the guidelines ensure that a diversity of sources is used in the production of your journalistic content?
YesIf you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.
Ninguna historia puede ser publicada sin que la información sea corroborada con más de una fuente ya sea humana, documental, de bases de datos abiertas, entre otras.