The Media Outlet has been independently certified according to the JTI Programme and CWA 17493:2019.

Certified by
Audit Bureau of Circulations Ltd
Date of certification
Contact details
Charter House, Black Prince Yard
HP41AD Berkhamsted
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

15. External Accountability
15.1. External Oversight
Trust in the Media Outlet is enhanced if it is subject to a form of external accountability that is effective and independent. To this end where appropriate, a Media Outlet may wish to commit to an independent and effective form of external accountability for its journalism principles, which may take the form of an external ombudsperson, press or media council or statutory regulator.
Have you committed to a system or systems of external accountability for your editorial content?
YesIf the system is not in the above list, add it here with a URL.
15.2. Compliance with External Accountability
Where a Media Outlet commits to a form of external accountability, it shall comply with any guidance, structures or best practice directions issued by that body.
Is your Media Outlet committed to comply with any directions or guidance issued by the external accountability body to which you subscribe?
Yes15.4. Contact Details of External Accountability Bodies
Where a Media Outlet commits to a form of external accountability, it shall publicise the process by which the public can contact that body to complain about potential breaches of its Editorial Guidelines in a manner that is easily accessible for all.