Media Outlet Ark Valley Voice Date of first publication 31/08/2023 Date of Latest Change 31/08/2023

9. Accountability for Journalism Principles

9.1. Editorial Guidelines

A Media Outlet shall produce a set of Editorial Guidelines or adhere to an external set of guidelines (for example the Model Editorial Guidelines provided as a reference document to this Standard), to which its journalistic operations comply. They should govern meaningful principles of journalistic content, dissemination and conduct. These guidelines, and the identity of the person or group of persons with ultimate responsibility for them within its organisation, shall be made available to the public in a readily accessible and understandable form. Best practice is to have these guidelines available publicly rather than on request.

Does your Media Outlet have a set of guidelines, or adhere to an external set of guidelines, for journalistic content, distribution and conduct to which its journalistic operations comply?


Are they made available to the public in a readily accessible form?


What is the URL?

Is there a person or a group of persons responsible for these guidelines clearly identified?


Is that identification visible on the page with the guidelines?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

9.2. Purpose of Guidelines

A Media Outlet shall ensure that these Editorial Guidelines set clear expectations of the behaviour it requires from its own staff, its contractors and from all other contributors to its editorial content. It should also set out the structure of responsibility within the organisation, making sure it is clear who is accountable for each stage of the process that leads to publication.

Do the guidelines referred to in the section on Editorial Guidelines set clear expectations for the behaviour for all the contributors, including editorial staff (journalists, editors) and all other contributors?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

Community Contributor Policy are also available at

Do the guidelines referred to in the section on Editorial Guidelines make clear the structure of editorial responsibility for each stage of the publication process within the organisation?


9.3. Guidelines and Journalism Principles

A Media Outlet shall ensure that these Editorial Guidelines embody the core ethical principles of journalism. The Editorial Guidelines may impose specific requirements in addition to these core ethical principles; but any additional requirements shall not compromise these core ethical principles as described in the Preamble of this document.

Do your Editorial Guidelines include requirements for Accuracy (as prescribed in the Preamble) in your output?


What is the URL?

Do they include requirements for Independence (as prescribed in the Preamble) of editorial decision making?


What is the URL?

Do they include requirements of Fairness (as prescribed in the Preamble) in the practice of journalism?


What is the URL?

Do they include requirements for Accountability (as prescribed in the Preamble) in the practice of its journalism?


What is the URL?

9.4. Conflicts of Interest

Editorial Guidelines shall ensure that there are no conflicts of interests – real, potential or perceived – damaging the integrity of the story or the editorial independence of those working on it. They should have guidance on how to deal with conflicts related to political, business and personal interests. Editorial structures should protect the journalism from any undue influence by the Media Outlet’s executive management or ownership authorities outside the formal editorial process and from any external interests, commercial, social or political.

Do your Editorial Guidelines include protections against real, potential, or perceived conflicts of interest?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

The Ark Valley Voice will not be the ally of any special interest but will be fair in its outlook on public affairs and public officials. We are committed to avoiding conflicts of interest and the appearance of conflict of interest whenever possible. Our policies in this regard are:
– We pay our own way.
– We accept no gifts from news sources. We neither seek nor accept preferential treatment that might be rendered because of the positions we hold. Exceptions to the no-gift rule are few and obvious – invitations to meals and free admission to events about which we are reporting, for example.
– All reporters and editors are required to disclose any interests or agendas that might be in conflict or give the appearance of a conflict in their reporting or editing duties.
– We make every reasonable effort to be free of obligation to news sources and to special interests. We strive to ensure that our private and professional behavior not bring discredit to our profession or to Ark Valley Voice.
– We avoid active involvement in partisan causes – politics, community affairs, social action, demonstrations – that could compromise or seem to compromise our ability to report and edit fairly.

Do the guidelines include guidance on how to deal with conflicts related to business?


Do the guidelines include guidance on how to deal with conflicts related to political interests?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

As a nonprofit news organization that operates as a public trust, Ark Valley Voice leans neither left, nor right, nor are we cause-focused. We maintain an unbiased approach focused on truth, fairness, and accuracy.

We cover issues and candidates in an equal manner, asking candidates running for the same office, the same questions; requiring our reporters to review candidate statements and positions against our standards. If a candidate takes a position that is not based on facts, we call this out.

We take no positions regarding political candidates, nor do we endorse candidates running for any political office, whether that office is a local office, state-wide or national office.

We do no advocacy. We avoid active involvement in partisan causes – politics, community affairs, social action, demonstrations, or special interests – that could compromise or seem to compromise our ability to report and edit fairly on public affairs and public officials. We are committed to avoiding conflicts of interest and the appearance of conflict-of-interest whenever possible.

Ark Valley Voice will continue to accept sponsorships and informative advertising. But just as with our news coverage, we require claims substantiation, and adherence to our ethical standards of accuracy, truthfulness and fairness.

We provide equal treatment to candidates and political parties (for placement representing legitimate “earned income”), offer standard equal rates to all political candidates for informative advertising and refuse any advertising that demands the readers vote a certain way, or disrespects competitors, the election process, or the Constitution.

Do the guidelines include guidance on how to deal with conflicts related to personal interests?


Does the Media Outlet’s structure protect the editorial processes from any undue influence from within or without?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

Reporters for Ark Valley Voice will make every effort to report the news without influencing the news; in gathering news, reporters will not identify themselves as anything other than journalists.