Media Outlet Менщина Date of first publication 21/03/2024 Date of Latest Change 18/03/2024

2. Editorial Mission

2.1. Editorial Mission Statement

The Media Outlet shall disclose its editorial mission statement which shall be consistent with the fundamental ethical principles of trustworthy journalism, and, as described in the Preamble, should incorporate principles of: ethical practice, good governance, self-regulation and Engagement with the public. A Media Outlet shall set out how it proposes to uphold these journalism principles through its Editorial Guidelines and processes which shall include arrangements in relation to internal accountability and of appropriate external accountability (see clauses 9 – 15). Best practice is to have these arrangements codified and made available publicly.

Does your Media Outlet have an editorial mission statement, or stated set of principles or editorial values?


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The mission of the Menshchyna online publication is the development of the Minsk community by conveying socially important information to residents.

The editors of "Minority" share the principles and values ​​laid down in the Code of Ethics of the Ukrainian Journalist - a document that defines the main moral and ethical guidelines that a journalist must adhere to in the performance of his professional duties /

We also highlight our main principles:

- Separation of facts from comments
All comments and opinions of the journalist himself, experts, participants of the event are clearly separated from facts. The journalist acts as an observer, does not express his own opinions or evaluative judgments in reactionary materials. We must name the specific author of each expressed opinion. A journalist can express his own opinion in journalistic articles or comments, but he always clearly states it. Evaluative judgments, replacing facts with emotions, brightly colored epithets and comparisons are also unacceptable in the news. We avoid generalizations, such as "experts believe", "according to analysts". Generalizations are possible only when there is a result of a relevant sociological study or when the journalist actually interviewed a certain reference group of people.

- Credibility
Each fact presented in the material has an identifiable and reliable source of information. The source can be anonymous only if it is about publicly important information, and the disclosure of the source may threaten his life, health or professional activity. Protecting the confidentiality of sources is of paramount importance - neither the journalist nor the editors disclose their sources. Checking information sources is one of the primary tasks of a journalist. We can publish news from one anonymous source only in exceptional cases, when it is reliable information from a reliable source with direct knowledge of the situation.

- Balance of opinions and points of view
When covering a conflict, we give a voice to all parties to the conflict and reflect their positions, while the journalist himself is as impartial as possible and does not manipulate expert opinion in favor of one of the parties. The appeal to the other side of the conflict is made even before the publication of the news. After the appeal, we can publish the news and wait for the response of the other side of the conflict. We can present the opposite view not in this very news, but in the following ones. Moreover, such news contains the relevant background and a hyperlink to the first news. If one of the parties refused to provide a comment, we will definitely inform the audience.

- Absence of political advertising
The editors do not publish political advertising on their resources. We are convinced that even appropriate markings of such materials do not save readers from being misled. Unlike commercial advertising, political advertising can cause significant harm to society. On the other hand, the publication is not apolitical. We monitor and cover the election process, as well as the activities of people's elected officials, including preparing and publishing interviews with politicians.

- Openness
On our media resources, everyone can not only get information, but also publish their own. Users of our resources have the opportunity to publish posts (both with pre-moderation and without - depending on the platform and rules of the resource). Users also have the opportunity to comment on publications. Posts and comments must correspond to the mission of the publication, not to violate generally accepted moral and ethical norms and legislation of Ukraine. The real name and surname of the author must be indicated under each non-editorial material. Non-editorial material may be anonymous or signed by a pseudonym of the author, if the publication of the author may threaten his life, health or professional activity.

- Liability
The editors and their authors (journalists of the publication) are responsible for the consequences of publishing editorial materials. Responsibility for the consequences of publishing non-editorial materials (posts and comments) is borne by their authors (users of our resources who have accounts with appropriate access rights), or the reaction if the author is anonymous. The editors mark non-editorial materials with appropriate inscriptions (headings). We reserve the right to edit and delete materials that do not correspond to the mission of the publication, violate generally accepted moral and ethical norms and legislation of Ukraine, as well as block the accounts of the authors of such materials.

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